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Use service to create web-service. Because puko directly return the data in json format. You can instantly scaffolds your service with php puko routes serice add .... Querying data and return it at the end of controller functions. The noticeable thing you can find is in controller at the extends section.

class students extends Service {}

You’re right! The controller file is simply extends Service to create web-service instead View that processing html file.

For example, if we have the controller showed bellow:

public function students() {

    //app logic in here
    //database operation maybe in here to

    return [
        'Identification' => 'ID120027103',
        'Name' => 'Didit Velliz',
        'Age' => 26,
        'Skills' => [
            'PHP', 'MySQL'

So the json representational of the data returned from controller is:

    "Identification": "ID120027103",
    "Name": "Didit Velliz",
    "Age": 16,
    "Skills": [

Passing dynamic data retrieved from url parameter is also possible with {?} keywords when create new route.

Service also support a CRUD package. So you can generate multiple endpoints with one commands. Puko console command to do this job: php puko routes service crud [schema]/[table]. Schema will refer from database configuration and its default to primary. For tables is refer from table name in the database.

Example: php puko routes service crud primary/students

This command will generate a controller located at controller/primary/students.php with complete CRUD functions. Controller codes and Routes also automatically configured.