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First step to set up an Authentication features in Puko Framework is typing this command in console/terminal:

php puko setup auth <auth_name>

You can type any name related to the entity. ex: StudentAuth, GuestAuth and so on. You can have more than one auth features to.

For example the command should look like this:

php puko setup auth StudentAuth

After the command executed file class will auto-generated and placed in plugins/auth directory.

- plugins/
  - auth/
    - StudentAuth.php

If you open the file, you can see bellow empty method:

public function Login($username, $password)
    //todo: your custom login code here

public function Logout()
    //todo: create or clear log in databases

public function GetLoginData($id)
    //todo: return your user data here

That method supposed to be filled with your own custom Authentication implementation.

Login($username, $password)

For login, you can validate your username and password received from function param and validate trough models or CURL request.

public function Login($username, $password)
    $student = model\primary\StudentModel::GetByUsernamePassword($username, $password);
    $dataToSecure = [
        "id" => $student['id'],
        "username" => $student['user'],
        "class" => $student['class']
    $permission = ["STUDENT"];
    return new PukoAuth($dataToSecure, $permission);

login must return a PukoAuth class object.

Then, you can implement the login code on controller with the syntax like this example:

$login = Session::Get(StudentAuth::Instance())->Login($username, $password);

StudentAuth::Instance() is the object build automatic by puko to auto-wire the login process.

For Session and Cookies. If login process success. Then the $login variable assigned will have true value and false if the login process failed.

For Bearer. If the login process success. Then the $login variable assigned will hold the string encrypted data. If fails, $login variable will have false.


This is logout callbacks. You can write any code to clean up the logout process.

public function Logout()
    //cleanup process here
    return true;


To validate an Authentication, you must decode back the encryption string generated on the login process. So to simply that process, puko utilized an GetLoginData as callback function after decoding string information that hold 2 parameters. The first is $secure that contain all of $dataToSecure supplied in login process. Same to second $permission param, will contain all permission code supplied in login process.

public function GetLoginData($secure, $permission)
    return [
        "data" => $secure,
        "authorization" => $permission

If you want to protect controller function accessed from not-authenticated user. You can seal-it with the auth doc command like below.

 * #Auth session true
public function create() {}