Role is part-of the Auth. For specifying what user can do, what user cannot do. and so on.
At implementation level, you can see it in PukoAuth
class instance as seconds parameter:
public function Login($username, $password)
$permission = [];
return new PukoAuth([], $permission);
From code sample above, you have permission wrapped as array of ‘strings’, so any authentication can consists of no permission, one permission, or many permissions as needed.
Puko also have a doc command to seal a function with an permission code like this:
* #Auth session true
* #Permission \pukoframework\auth\Bearer@\plugins\auth\UserAuth permissions@MANAGER
public function profile()
Permission defined as MANAGER
So only user with this permission assigned can access the functions.
You need to write full path with PSR-4 directory structure to your plugin auth class.